Feed Us, Fetus. 8/26/13

(Today's title is simply a lesson in the importance of a well placed comma.)

Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. Beth has been sick. The symptoms?

Nausea. Headaches. Problems with spicy food. Dizziness.

Sound familiar?

That's right... It's...


Of course with all of her various symptoms, the pregnancy questions immediately intensified to previously unseen proportions- so much so that she actually took a real pregnancy test. This is what our lives have come to. Even with an over 99.9% chance of not being pregnant, there are those who forced doubt into her gastritis stricken brain.

SUCK IT, Naysayers! (Also, Beth peed on that.)

So in addition to our household having a bland diet, and Beth's random bouts of headaches, stomach aches, feeling tired, and being asked repeatedly if she was now indeed pregnant, any attempts of me making a "move" were rebuked in a manner not totally dissimilar from the animation below- thus further insuring that she is not, in fact, pregnant.

So screw thank you dear reader for your concern. And don't forget to subscribe and/or check back next week for another update!

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