This week I thought I'd post an interview I did awhile back with a good friend of Beth's. She also is not pregnant, so I wanted to give the blog some depth by getting some perspective outside our own household.
Without further adieu, I present the transcript to you now.
BF (Beth's Friend): So what exactly are we doing here?
ME (Me): Yeah, so I write a blog about how Beth isn't pregnant, and since you're not pregnant, I wanted to interview you for it if that's ok.
BF: [pause...] I don't get it.
ME: Well basically I chronicle how topsy-turvy our life isn't and all of the things we don't do because of Beth's lack of being "with child."
BF: [Empty Stare]
ME: Ok great. So tell me what it's like to not be pregnant. I mean, do you feel different? Do you feel like you're missing a "glow," or that you don't have some odd food cravings that you otherwise might?
BF: (To Beth) Is he always like this?
ME: I'm not being weird or anything. I mean- its not like I'm asking about your sex life, like if the reason you're not pregnant is whether you take the pill or use condoms. Or if you're abstinent for some weird reason- I mean it could be that you have high moral standards, or that you haven't met "the one" just yet, although that seems unlikely- that there would just be one, know what I mean? Or it could be a physical thing- like you have some kind of issue with your lady parts that you're resolving with your doctor before you hop back on the hump train. Or maybe you use the ol' Catholic Method...
BF: Dude- what the hell are you talking about?
ME: Maybe you know it better as the "pull and pray?"
BF: Oh my god I am SO out of here... (Takes off microphone)
Me: Uh, so I guess we're done then?
Stay tuned for future features with other unfertilized females.
So Wreck Into Someone Else?
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